Saturday, January 24, 2009

TDiTM Stitch #10

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

Here’s another simple flower. I like the darker shade of blue for the bottom “petals” which are slightly shorter than the upper petals…but wish that I had stitched the French knots in the darker blue rather than the stem color.

The entire flower is stitched in Perle cotton (sz 5); royal blue and sky blue for the petals (lazy daisy stitches) and olive green for the stem (straight stitch) top (French knots) leaves (lazy daisy) and zigzag base.

Another alternative would be to drop the green base petals…and stitch the zigzag in lazy daisy instead of straight stitch....hmmmmmm, a good idea for “future” stitches!...

Of course, anytime you have French knots, they can be substituted with seed beads; just as in the last photo.

The sequence of stitching is:
1. Stitch the zigzag.
2. Stitch the green vertical stem, then the outside lazy daisy leaves, then the French knots.
3. Stitch the darker base petal lazy daisy stitches, pointing them slightly down.
4. Stitch the upper petal lazy daisy stitches starting with the very top vertical stitch then work the outside top stitches and then fill in with the lower top stitches. Fit them into the “space” of the stitch, and don’t go outside the zigzag width so each “flower” has room.

This is a simple seam treatment, but has possibilities for change. If you built it a little taller by adding a couple more French knots and one more row of loops, it might resemble hyacinths in bloom.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Grandpa's Garden #2

When I posted my portion of the Round Robin, which I titled Grandpa's Garden, I wanted to include a photo of a tree with cow charm. But, my camera took a perfectly horrible photo that was so out of focus, I barely recognized it had a tree in it. Of course, the block was already on it's way before I realized this error. My cyber sister was to my rescue and send me a better photo once the block was received. So, belatedly, I thought I'd share it.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

TDiTM Stitch #9

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

This flower is short enough to use on smaller projects or small patch pieces. It would be cute worked along a seam without the zigzag…just evenly space the flowers, or connect with a simple long straight stitch.

Olive green Perle cotton (sz 5) was used to stitch the zigzag, flower stem, and flower leaves…but the stem would be pretty done in brown as well. Chili pepper red Perle cotton (sz 5) was used to stitch the flower bud. The bud is a collection of French knots, grouped to form a round shape, with five straight stitches radiating from the top.

The sequence of stitching is:
1. Stitch the zigzag
2. Stitch the straight stitch vertical stem first…then the outside lazy daisy leaves which are at 45 degree to the base.
3. Stitch the French knots starting with the center row of 3…place these centered slightly above the stem. Then stitch the 2 french knots below this line of 3…and the 2 french knots above this line of 3. This will form a circular shape cluster of French knots.
4. Stitch the straight stitches above the top row of lazy daises.
5. Red seed beads provide an alternate for French knots, as shown in the beaded photo.

An alternate stitch would be to do the flowers without the straight stitches at the top as well.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

TDiTM Stitch #8

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

It has been pretty cold these last few days, and I'm ready for Spring to be here! The grass is all brown now, and there are no flowers. So, when this little daisy popped into my was surely a welcome thought! And, opened a flood gate of floral ideas!! So, we will be walking through the gardens of my mind for the next few stitches.

The assembly of this stitch is very simple...and can be easily followed along with just the chart I think. The colors chosen were very traditional yellow and green (perle cotton #5)...with a yellow crystal for the beaded center variety...but I thought white with brown or black in the center would be good. Of course, would not have photographed very well on the white fabric I'm working the yellow it is!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

TDiTM Stitch #7

Lucky 7 !!!

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

Hope ya’ll are enjoying the stitching. I’m having a wonderful time just letting the ideas flow…not that lazy daisy, French knot, and straight stitch really call for a lot of “brain power”. But, still…it’s fun!

This is a pretty quick stitch…not overly complicated…and I like the change-up between the daisies and the straight stitch…just make sure you mark it off so you leave the same amount of “spaces” for the daisies each time.

The sequence of stitching is very simple:
1. Stitch the zigzag
2. Stitch the Straight Stitches. For this, I stitch the vertical stitch first…then the outside stitches because they are at 45 degree to the base…and then stitch the second and fifth straight stitches…since they are half way between the vertical and 45 degree ones. Hope this makes sense to you.
3. Stitch the French knots
4. Stitch the Lazy daisies starting with the center one...which is a little larger than the two outside ones.

I used Perle (cotton) size 8, in light and dark purple to stitch the sample; and added purple Rocialles on the beaded version.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

TDiTM Stitch #6

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

Here’s another stitch that is a good candidate for variegated threads. The sample is done in perle (cotton) size 8, beige and medium purple. The beaded version replaces the French knots with Swarovski® Crystals (bicone, 2mm, color: jet AB).

Here is the order of stitches I completed to create this combination stitch:

Step 1: Stitch the zigzag
Step 2: Stitch the straight stitches below the zigzag
Step 3: Stitch the straight stitches above the zigzag, leave enough room for the French knot
Step 4: Stitch the French knot
Step 5: Stitch the lazy daisies, one center large and four smaller ones

Monday, January 5, 2009

Grandpa's Garden

I've been working on a block effort for a cyber friend...a tribute to her late Grandfather. From her accounts, he was a very devout country gentleman. Every year he planted a large I attempted to stitch a small garden spot on the block. The base fabrics in the constructed block are from her grandfather's ties. It is an honor to contribute to a block for my friend. Two other ladies have already gone before me, and others will follow me, so the final block will be a surprise to me as well as my friend.

My contribution will be the garden, and some seam embellishments. Here are some photos of the garden's corn, lettuce, "tommy toe" tomatoes, cabbage, carrot tops, and watermelon. Hopefully, I have done the memory of his garden justice.

The corn stalks are covered floral wire with gold rice beads for the ears...covered in 4mm silk ribbon...and more SR for the leaves. The lettuce is a cast-on stitch done in variegated green (perle cotton, sz12). The tomatoes have floral wire covered in brown fiber threads, with tiny little plastic branches covered in green threads...with various clusters of gold, green, red beads to (hopefully) resemble small tomatoes. The cabbage was cool to do...they are lime green rick rack roses. The carrot tops are silk leaves with clipped edges...and the watermelon vine is a peace of tatting from a dear friend.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

TDiTM Stitch #5

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

Okay, I'm redeeming myself after posting stitch number 4...or as I like to call it "the ugly cousin stitch". :)

Here's a beauty...a simple little stitch that seems so delicate to me, and I will be using this one a lot I think!

Stitched here in a single color, but could be done beautifully in variegated or two colors I think.

Here are the supplies used:

Size 8, Perle (silk), color: lime green

Rocialles seed beeds (size 15/0) color: yellow green transparent
Swarovski® Crystals, Bicone, 4mm, color: peridot

I would prefer the peridot crystals in size 2 or 3 I think the 4mm is slightly too large...but, I used what I I expect you will do. Hope to see your stitch version posted to the HGTV Message board string. ;)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

TDiTM Stitch #4

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months Post

I wish that I had not used the black thread on this stitch, as I think it makes it a little harsh. If you stitch it upside down, it might remind you of an Aboriginal it did me.

A light and medium blue would have been better...but, oh well...number 4 is done! Guess we need a few complex stitches along the way. They serve a purpose...filling up space!! :) I'll be eager to see what you do with this one!

Size 8, Perle (cotton), color: teal
Size 12, Perle (cotton), color: black

Rocialles seed beeds (size 15/0) color: black opaque
Jablonex® Czech Loch Rosen, crystal, Flat back rhinestone, 2 mm and 3 mm

Happy stitching!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

TDiTM Stitch #3

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

Here, finally, is simple little Stitch #3. This one seems so lovely and delicate to me, and I really like it done in beads. You will note that there is one less bead than French knots in the pattern, because of the size of the beads versus the size of French knots…and I wanted to keep the delicate feel of the stitch and three stacked beads just didn’t seem right to me. You stack them for yours if you like. 

Stitch #2 is done in size 8 perle (cotton) in light purple, coral, and very light green. The beads are 2mm size mother of pearl (dyed very light purple).

Now that I’ve got the photos large enough for you to see the details, I think I’ll have to work on the actual stitch chart. Perhaps cropping some of it out, and “shortening” the stitch row will make the actual stitches look bigger…of course, that means you don’t see the “ends” of the row, and that might be kinda weird. Well, let's give that a try...hmmmm, yep I like the larger version. I'll try to get all the "bugs" worked out of loading pictures on this blog...long before we get to Stitch number 144!!!

I’d love to see your stitches, so post to the HGTV message board when you finish. It will be interesting to see what colors you choose…and if you use any beads in your versions!

TDiTM Stitch #2

Woo Hoo! Happy New Year!

I promised the second and third stitches in the Twelve Stitches in Twelve Months Challenge, and just finished a blog for that…but when I added the photos…I had put a repeat photo of stitch number one into the files for stitch number three. Now, how did that happen??

So, had to stop…go back to my photos and re-crop and size the correct photo. In doing that, I realized that the images might be too small for you to get a clear idea of exactly how to stitch them…so I am going to do two blog entries, allowing me to put extra photos of each stitch.

The stitch charts are done in Illustrator software, which I am new to using…so please do not get caught up with the “solid” versus “not solid” symbols I use. The stitch chart has black dots where the needle goes for the zigzag (I think I’ll try and do without that for the stitches I’m designing now…ssshhh, I’m on #16 if anyone is keeping up). If in doubt, look at the photos..and hopefully you can understand what the chart symbols represent that way.

Stitch #2 is done in size 8 perle (cotton) thread. I chose Kelly green and bright yellow, and really like the cheerful combination. The right side has beads added. The tiny ones are rocialles seed beads (size 15/0) in Ceylon light yellow, and the larger beads are seed beads (size 8/0) in yellow with silver lining, the flowers are Czech pressed beads (size 7mm) flower bead caps in yellow.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Twelve Dozen Template

Well, it's almost a New Year! And I hope it will be a great one for all of us, the last one sure has been a roller coaster ride hasn't it!!

The Twelve Dozen in Twelve Months Challenge is about to be in full swing!...and already I'm having such I'm on the design for #14 today!!

You've seen the first get cracking! Post your finished seam on the HGTV Message Board string for all to see!! Here's the link ( for those that are not yet members...but should be, cause it is about the best needlework forum out there! (Okay, I think it IS the best...but since I haven't been a member on ALL the others...I'll try and be PC about it) :)

I finished a template for the basic zigzag stitch yesterday...and posted the file on the CQ Wiki instructional site so you can down load it for use. It will help you produce uniform (vertical and horizontal) zigzag seams to use during this challenge...and it's free!! And, check the WIKI site out while you're there, it's full of crazy quilt tutorials!(

The template zigzag stitches are proportioned correctly to match the designs I'll be posting. Otherwise, you might have a problem fitting all those lazy daisy or french knot stitches ...into a zigzag that has more vertical and less horizontal than the one I'm using. ( would be wonderful to have more vertical and less horizontal, wouldn't it!...but there I go daydreaming again!)

There are five sizes on the template...and here's my recommendation for their use:

TINY - for doll quilts that you want to do CQ seams on
SMALL - for blocks 9" and less
MEDIUM - for blocks 9" to 14"
LARGE - for blocks over 14"
JUMBO - for circus tents

Of course, you can mix and match on the same CQ Block if you would add some variety...and your eye will tell you if the scale is right or wrong. Remember, no rules here...this is your challenge, your work, your project, your pace.

Tomorrow, I'll post stitches 3 and 4.... :)

Later in the year, when I run out of "zigzag" ideas...and add another basic stitch...I'll create a template for that/those as well and post it to the Wiki site as well.

So, get ready...hang on, this crazy ride is about to leave the station!! Woo Hoo...all aboard!!

Monday, December 29, 2008

TDiTM - Stitch #1

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

Okay, I can't stand the waiting for the New Year any here is the first stitch of the challenge. And, if you don't know about the challenge...check out the post about Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months. If you're counting, that breaks down to about 3 stitches per week...seems doable (if I can design that many combination stitches!!)

But, I guess that's the "Challenge" part for me. :)

If you want to post your photos...I'll start a string on the HGTV Message Board for Quilters so you can add your pictures there.... :)

Hope you enjoy the first stitch (I'm working on number 6...but am going to restrain posting any more least for today!)

Sunday, December 28, 2008

CHALLENGE - Twelve Dozen in Twelve Months

One of my personal goals in 2009 is to become much more proficient in stitching Crazy Quilt seams. So, to keep me motivated I am starting a challenge for myself. You are invited to stitch along with me.

I will stitch 12-dozen (that's 144) different seams over the next twelve months. (Okay, life got in the way of my deadline...but I'm still going to create the 12-dozen. We'll just have to see how many months it will take me! Actually, I still think it is a very do-able goal to just do the stitching. I did not consider the extra time to doodle the stitches, create the visual line drawing in Illustrator (which I had to learn to use), stitch the example, photograph the finished seam and resize to fit the blog, and write the blog entry and post!!) My intent is to expand on basic stitches that all should master quickly. So, this is going to be at the beginner level.

And, because I love beads...most (if not all) will surely include beads. However, for those of you that don't like beads on your work...I will accomodate and stitch half of the example with beads and half without. My work will be on a sampler cloth, although if I stitch on projects I'll share those as well.

Each week I will post some stitches using a basic stitch as the starting point. I will post a photo of the stitched example (bead and no bead) and the stitch chart. Feel free to use them to expand your stitch library.

These are my designs and my I ask that you honor my request not to use them for any endeavor of profit. Thanks.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Beginner's Anatomy of a Stitch

Can't do a colonial knot or Hungarian braid stitch? Yeah, me too. And for a few months now I've been kinda hung up on my "lack of ability" instead of concentrating on my "ability"...more on the negative than the positive. (Weird, cause that's not usually me). But, just recently, while looking through Carole Samples book Treasure of Crazy Quilt Stitches (which I just love) I was struck by the awesome number of stitches...that were really just a mismatch of simple stitches that I CAN MAKE!

So, I decided to take a simple stitch...the zigzag...and add to it. I added lazy daisy, straight stitch, and french knot only. Those I can do! And was amazed at how far I could add to the basic lowly little zigzag...with no real effort.

So, I stitched up a sample to share..hoping that someone else might be helped to see that there is very little "magic"...just start stitching and see where it takes you.

Now, I don't advocate not learning new "established" stitches...but I say "Don't wait until you feel you are a SKILLED stitcher" just use what you do know and go for it!

On each photo, you will see two rounds of the stitch progression...I stitched in various color so you could (hopefully) see how the stitch builds from the basic zigzag.

I challenge you to take the basic zigzag...and add to it using only the french know, straight stitch, and lazy daisy. Change up the size of the thread...change up the colors...change up the height and width...shake things up. I'd love to see what you come up will start a new string on the HGTV Message Board for needlework/quilting to share this blog and give you a place to post your photos.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My Russian Ladies Gifts

Okay, I know you're probably tired of seeing pin cushions...but I just can't stop! I am working on some Round Robins, but can't share photos of them since I don't want to spoil the surprise!

My six beautiful penpals from Russia received their Christmas gift from me. Yep, you guessed cushions. One (my very first effort) is pictured in my Borrowed Pin Cushion posting. But, now that all have arrived, I'll show you the other five.

Am also working on the usual Christmas decorating and family things this month, so not getting as much stitching done as I'd like too. But having fun just the same!

As you can clearly see, I worked each in a different color. I did not specify which lady received a specific one, as I wanted them to pick the one that they most liked. I used my stencils for most of the seams and the tissue paper overlay idea for the trees.

All were tons of fun. And now, I'm thinking of doing some smaller sized ones...but am concerned about having enough work on a smaller surface. When I get that worked out, I'll post a picture of the finished effort. Will probably after Christmas however as a large family (over 40 in all) is a lot of folks to plan for...cook for...clean for...Well, you get the idea I'm sure. :)

Friday, December 5, 2008

More PinCushions!

I've been busy working on some crazy quilt round robin blocks, and having a ton of fun! But, I can't show those since only small "peeks" are allowed. So, I'll show you some shots of three more pin cushions I've been working on. These are already mailed and no secrets here. I cut the tops of the photos...haven't done that in a long the shots are not complete. Instead, they are mostly of the stitches enlarged. But, sometimes, that's better I can see how to complete them and I hope you try them out. Enjoy!