A Short Video of some Motifs/Techniques Learned in the Free Courses!
Thank you Arlene, Candace, Cathy and Meg for all the work on my block...I'm enjoying just looking at all the different parts! Here are some closeup photos to share!
The Butterflies and Dragonflies Round Robin is Complete...mailing Candji's block off to her tomorrow.
Sorry, didn't get a photo of the entire block before getting it into the envelope for mailing...so hope Candji will remember to do that for the CQI Group when she receives it.
But, I did remember to snap a few close up photos of some areas that I stitched.
Hope you enjoy the block Candji...I think it turned out really cool!
The Butterflies and Dragonflies Round Robin over at Crazy Quilting International (CQI) is coming to a close. With a couple of international participants, the mail system has slowed it down somewhat...but I'm working on the last round for Candji's block.
I'm almost done, just need to sew my ribbon down for the lace basket handle, and add beads to all of the seams. Oh, and add some charms here and there I think too...maybe some beaded critters.
Okay, looks like I have a couple of more days of work...but, still a lot has been done.
Several seams, a couple of lace motifs, a dimensional dragonfly, and a spiderweb are all finished.
Just had to share this too!
Really...only a DIVA could rock a Chicken Pin Cushion for a hat!
Way to go Aidan!
Linear style blocks, pieced of squares and rectangles are not my favorite type of crazy quilt patchwork...as I find them extremely boring. And, this block did not catch my muse's attention at all. Luckily, the theme was dragonflies and butterflies...so two seams came immediately to mind for that.
This little butterfly seam is created with my templates, which I use all the time!
And this little dragonfly seam is #22 in my book, Embellishing Crazy Quilts.
Since Meg stated that she was more "steam-punk" than Victorian...I included two large pendant style charms from Fire Mountain Gems...a dragonfly and a butterfly.Hopefully, the other ladies in the group will enjoy this block more than I did.It will go into the mail on Monday.
If you need one, here ya go!
My muse is beating me over the head! Just found out that my friend Shari (you know of StitchMAP) had an emergency at her house this week. Little Belle (her 5 year old granddaughter) broke her arm! OUCH! Major OUCH!So, I thought that a card and a little "lifting of her spirits" was in order.So, I fused this butterfly...and now, I'm going to make it SPARKLE with tons of bling! I'll get a photo to add when complete.If you want to help me lift Belle's spirits...just send me your butterfly and I'll gather them up (any type, style...but remember it's for a FIVE YEAR OLD) and send them on. Or, if you know Shari's address...you can mail them yourself...with a little "get well" card for Belle.Hugs to you all.BTW, the butterfly above is from a stained glass pattern. Search the internet for butterfly patterns...and you will see hundreds of ideas. This one is just fused pieces, which I shall blanket stitch on the machine...and add beads and sequins too. It will be "sandwiched" to another sparkly fabric for the back side...and one bent wire for the antenna sewn on...viola...a beautiful butterfly will be born.Off to sew....back in a little while with another photo.Okay, I'm back. Here is Belle's little finished butterfly (well not so "little", it measures about 6 x 6 inches).
My part of Arlene's block is now finished. Here are the other components, close up.
Ready to mail to the next person in line.
Finished up some seam work on Arlene's block, Dragonflies and Butterflies Round Robin over at CQI Yahoo Group.
Next, finish embellishing the lace butterflies and add a bead dragonfly or two.
Got Arlene's block to work on this week. And have picked out my lace for it; and that is stitched down. The center block has two morning glory blooms and the center turns them into a butterfly. Two lace ones help to fill the air. The blue rose is a machine embroidery piece that I have had for a while, and you just can't find a lot of use for a blue rose! But, on Arlene's block it is perfect! A wonderful home.Now, it's on to seam treatments...and beads and SRE!