Showing posts with label bookbag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bookbag. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Jenny over at Elefantz has been publishing a magazine with great embroidery/quilt designs for the home. She has done this for some months now...but I just got on the train. Why I not more observant!? I got my first E-issue this month and am in love with several projects! Most are waiting for delivery of just the right cheery fabrics to make them spectacular.
She also had a guest designer this issue, Wendy Bertello of SugarlandQuilts. Wendy contributed this cute little bookworm design. I thought it would make a nice bag for crayons and coloring books. So, in about 3 hours, it was done...and Aidan just loves it!
Thought I'd spread the cause y'all need some extra projects. Hugs!
So, if you don't follow Jenny's blog (or get her magazine)...check it out...she is always
posting something cool! And check out Wendy's blog too!