Showing posts with label Knot Garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Knot Garden. Show all posts

Sunday, February 2, 2014

My Knot Garden Woes...

This is my effort in my knot garden to date. It has been easy to get lost in this garden...but I finally found a way to simplify the task of stitching these 5,000 plus knots needed in this design. Well, the stitching itself is still the same...just that the order has become a bit easier.
In stitching my first 'ribbon' of hedges (see the green) I started first by stitching knots along the outside lines of one ribbon...following a single line over and under other ribbons marked. Now, I'm filling in this area to actually create the hedges. (See the area that is already full?)
 Approaching the design this way, I determined that it was actually two totally separate hedges...interlaced. You can see the second one traced, but not stitched yet. So, I'll stitch the first one completely...then tackle it's partner. Might even do this second hedge in a different green.
But, I'm also taking a little departure from the hedge right now, because the tight turns of the hedge are causing the "spaces" in those turns to become lost. So, I've stopped the hedge work temporarily to add in some blue varigated knots where these little bits of space are...before they all become lost and I can't see where to stitch. I'm going to do these spaces in the 'partner' hedge too before starting that.
This knot garden is part of this year's challenge at StitchMAP. We'll be doing three different needlework designs, in hexagons. This month, I contributed two designs of my in silk ribbon and one in embroidered bullions. So, this third design (done by Shari Jensen, owner of the group) is my only option for stitching as a member participating in the challenge. So, knots it is...they are tedious...but as it grows, I am starting to enjoy the journey. Shhhhhh, don't tell Shari I said I have already indicated that I'm saving for airfare to Colorado to 'thank her' for her design which requires all these knots!
You might note also that the design is transfered using a red pen....gasp! I read about these pens on Janet's blog...QuiltsALot...and ordered them off Ebay. 
They came to me from the United Kingdom, and are completely water soluble. I tested them on this background fabric...and all of the ink washed out very quickly. So, after the knots are done (say about Thanksgiving timeframe?)...the piece will get a good soaking. 
I'll keep you posted on how the project goes. 
Oh, and you are welcome for the link to Janet's blog...isn't it wonderful! Makes me want to lock myself in a room for months and just applique!