Today, I finished up a flannel board for Aidan.
And, I completed the rag quilt for Chase both grandsons will now have a quiltee under my tree! Yeah! Rather than do a quilt for Aidan, I decided to do something with the Paper Dolls fabric I bought last year.
If you go searching for is made by Windham Fabrics, called "Paper Dolls", and designed by Sheryl Rae Marquez and comes in a variety of color ways. I simply ironed fusible to the back of the fabrics...and cut out each piece. Then I peeled the paper backing off...and ironed each object to flannel. Then each was cut out...and I did not cut out the "tabs" on the clothing...because they are not needed for a flannel board. An even faster way would be to iron the entire fabric...once fusible is the flannel...THEN cut out the pieces only once. However, I was afraid I would not have enough flannel for all I needed to I choose to cut the fused pieces out...then apply them to the flannel...then cut them out again! Actually, it only took a couple of hours...still, it could have been more efficient if I had not be concerned over the amount of flannel I had on hand.
This is one of the dollies...wearing a new dress...and a second is under consideration for her next fast change!
The flannel board was easy...just a few big squares of fabric and some cork board. It is a tri-fold is the inside fold...with pockets for the dolls, dresses, shoes, and hats. The pocket is a ziplock baggie with blanket edge sewn to the top and bottom...fold the bottom up about 2/3 of the way...and stitch to the inside fabric before assembly of the case. The zip part of the bag was cut off. is the flannel board opened all the way...with some of the dolls and accessories on top.
I changed my mind on the front flap...and had to make it longer...which meant it was in two parts. Hard as heck to get that last piece on because it would not fit under my machine's throat! I covered up my horrible seam work with a ribbon. I'm sure Aidan will not mind...but you should plan better than I if you make one! Lot's of Love!!