Friday, October 11, 2024

Unfinished Objects (UFOs)

 While I like the "UFO" acronym...cute...I think of these as Unfinished Projects since mine are usually full size quilts. Ha!

Here is a photo of "most" of mine. Honestly, I need more blue boxes...and they are on order at Amazon. I get the 12x4x9 size (in case you are interested). They hold most quilts but you will see that three of these projects on the top row needed larger containers.

I like to put labels on these so I know what they are ("if I remember them by name") rather than dig through a bunch of stuff. Plus, these are stacked on a little shelf right in the hall...on the way to the I MUST see them multiple times a day.

Can you have too many projects not done? Yes, probably one of my quilts (not here but stored in my hopechest) needs to be finished hand quilted...since the 80's. Yep, I went there...admitted that I am so far from being done with a quilt.

Over time, I seem to often loose interest in a project; or more correctly I seem to push it aside because another project had caught my interest. Guess I might have a bit of blackbird in me...always attracted to shiny objects. Or is that a different was discussed on "To Kill A Mocking Bird" but I just remember that the bird was black.

I digress. Anyhow, wondering how other folks organize their unfinished projects? 

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