
Friday, October 11, 2024

Planning Begins


Isn't this a contrast? Well not to worry...these are not included in the same project.

But, if you want to know what my plans are for them...check out this prior blog post: Shawkl Designs: New CLASSES to BEGIN in JANUARY!

Then, follow the link included in that post to read the specifics on my Patreon site. Hope you decide to join the fun!

Unfinished Objects (UFOs)

 While I like the "UFO" acronym...cute...I think of these as Unfinished Projects since mine are usually full size quilts. Ha!

Here is a photo of "most" of mine. Honestly, I need more blue boxes...and they are on order at Amazon. I get the 12x4x9 size (in case you are interested). They hold most quilts but you will see that three of these projects on the top row needed larger containers.

I like to put labels on these so I know what they are ("if I remember them by name") rather than dig through a bunch of stuff. Plus, these are stacked on a little shelf right in the hall...on the way to the I MUST see them multiple times a day.

Can you have too many projects not done? Yes, probably one of my quilts (not here but stored in my hopechest) needs to be finished hand quilted...since the 80's. Yep, I went there...admitted that I am so far from being done with a quilt.

Over time, I seem to often loose interest in a project; or more correctly I seem to push it aside because another project had caught my interest. Guess I might have a bit of blackbird in me...always attracted to shiny objects. Or is that a different was discussed on "To Kill A Mocking Bird" but I just remember that the bird was black.

I digress. Anyhow, wondering how other folks organize their unfinished projects? 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024


 Good morning everyone!

Okay, I have been thinking...and you know how dangerous THAT can be. Over the past 3 years loads of folks keep asking me if I'm ever going to open up my classes again. So, short answer now is "kinda". I currently have a PATREON page titled "Kathy's Stitching Adventure" where I share my seam designs, patterns, tutorials, etc.

I don't want to be tracking multiple classes at the same time with the last BLOG Classes. Whew, that was time consuming. Plus, these are provided to you FREE already, just click the above links to download and work at your own pace.

However, I do have some more ideas to will simply be updating my Patreon to make this happen. At present (if you don't know) I have three tiers on that site: Tier I costs $3 monthly and you get a weekly seam design for crazy quilting, Tier II costs $5 a month and you get the weekly seam designs plus embroidery motif designs as they are drawn (shooting for once a month), and Tier III costs $7 monthly and gets all of the above plus any patterns, tutorials, etc. that I design.

So, what's changing???

FIRST CHANGE FOR ALL TIERS (i.e. free or paying members): I am adding a quarterly ZOOM meeting. You will receive an email with time/link a few days before the meeting. If you want to join in...simply click the link "when the time is open". The link will not work until the meeting time is here. So, just "archive" the you don't accidently delete it...and load a "reminder" in your phone so you can plant yourself in front of your computer/tablet that houses your emails. Click when the time is upon us...and wait to introduce yourself when asked...or just "quietly observe". I will be available to answer your questions and just go over what we are doing now...and planning in the future.

MAJOR CHANGE FOR $7 TIER: All members at this level will also be invited to join me in a private class site...where we will be able to easily post progress photos. Photos of what? Well, we will be working on three wonderful hands-on projects in 2025. You can participate in one or all...or just sit back and watch the fun! Here are the project ideas: (1) A Crazy Quilt Bell Pull (6"x18"finished) that gives us a good place to practice our embroidery seams, (2) A Bed Cover for the bottom of our bed (3' x 5' finished) that will use our "fancy" fabrics, hand embroidery pieces, lace motifs, silk ribbon embroidery, fiber embroidery, and beads/baubles; and (3) A set of wool/cotton hexagons with wool/cotton/silk embroidery motifs and seams.

These are all three projects that I have been wanting to work, doing them within the Patreon will "make me get off my behind, and get busy".

So, if you are presently in a lower is the time to move up to the $7 monthly tier. If you are not a member at PATREON...hop on over and check it out!

These 3 projects will begin in January. Whomever is at the $7 on 1 January will get a private invite to the private blogsite. To begin...we will kick off the challenges sometime in the first two weeks of January with a ZOOM for all in this top tier.

Now, I have to get busy designing, writing handouts, making supply lists...and deal with Thanksgiving/Christmas Season. Yikes, why am I always thinking! It sure gets me into trouble. HUGS!

As Supply Lists etc. are done...I will be posting them to Patreon. My goal is to have all of this "planning-work" done before January so members can be gathering their fancy fabrics and embellishments "get organized" we can start all three of these projects in January. We will work throughout the your own not to worry about doing all three projects. But, you can just pick one to work on at a time if you like.

Here is a link to Kathy's Stitching Adventure so you can signup for the $7 tier. Your invite to the private workshops will be sent in January.