Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Busy, busy, always!

 Whew, have been at the computer for a couple of hours...and still have not really touched my "to do" list for today. Well, at least the dishes got washed before I began...ha!

So, to catch you up...I'm doing a local hands on free basics quilt class during my quilt guilds sew day. LOVE having new folks learning how to begin quilting...and hope that it inspires them to quilt for years to come.

Working on my Patreon seam designs each Sunday. These don't appear in any of my, it's a great "new resource".

Some involve silk ribbon stitches (as the trio of leaves above).

Some mostly are embroidery stitches. Almost all will have beads/baubles know I love my bling! Hopefully all will be fun!

Will be also posting new (and some existing) patterns, motif designs, class ideas, mystery quilt instructions, etc. as I come up with them. 

If you want to check more out...hop on over to to read all about it. Hugs!

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