
Monday, May 27, 2024

Quiet Book Progress

 Just had a wonderful week with my friend Sharron, we sewed and ate...then repeated all week. My main project to finish (which I did not get done) was a group of quiet books for my friend Terri. However, the design needs a bit of tweeking...but I am pretty close now. Did get a long way into the project; just not quiet done.

For example, this little chair had too large of a pillow when I found some great fabrics to "fussy cut" the back of the chair out of. So, will be making it smaller in the pattern.

Also, decided to add a fence and tree to the back of the book; rather than just an empty area.

The books are almost complete, each need to have all of the fusible pieces sewn down to keep them intact in the washing machine. That will take me a couple of days at least.

Then, have to make some little dolls. The initial one is done (except for face embroidery)...and the pattern did need some adjusting. Trying to make it as easy as possible.

Hope to get the entire pattern completed in the next couple of weeks. June will be very busy as I'm starting a new hands-on local quilt/embroidery, better get back at it! Hugs!