Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Blog Tour Last Day

Wow, what a week!

I'm so very appreciative today...and inspired too!

Several wonderful creative folks have been sharing their thoughts about my newest book, Stunning Stitches on their sites...and offering a little chance at a free E-book as well.

I'm the last in the group for this Blog Tour (site tour might be more appropriate)...and will also give a reader a chance at getting the E-book free. Just leave a comment...make sure I can reach you via email (so add that if it's not available as a direct link). I'll select a winner tomorrow...and post here on the blog. 

Then, I'll be gathering the emails of all of the winners this week and sending that along to C&T. Winners will get their E-books directly from C&T Publications shortly there after...so watch for an email from them this week!

If you missed the other sites this week...here is the listing. While it is too late for their daily drawings...it is not too late to visit their site. And, ALL of these creative artists really make beautiful stitched and/or quilted things. So, please take the time to check out the links...just for new inspiration!


Лёка said...

очень хочется вашу книгу! Пусть мне повезет!!!!

Martina said...

Oh that looks like an amaizing book! Thank you for introducing!

janey said...

I've started embroidering again and would enjoy the inspiration offered in your book.

Bren said...

The first time I saw the cover of this book, my thought was "ooohhhh, I want that. It's luscious!"

Then I saw the author's name & there was no doubt about I would be getting it. So, this book is in my future whether I'm lucky enough to win or not.

Thank you, Kathy, for decorating my life.

rosemaryschild said...

What a wonderful book! I love to hand embroider, and even better add it to a quilt or clothing! Thank you, Susan

Shelina said...

This is a gorgeous book! So many beautiful, creative ideas you can't get anywhere else. I also appreciate all of the classes and advice you offer on your block.

Charlotte said...

This book looks wonderful and I do love embroidery. Thank you for the opportunity to visit your blog and look around a bit.

Karen in Breezy Point said...

Your book looks wonderful Kathy--congratulations!

Kathy E. said...

I am a lover of fancy stitches and this book is quite the inspiration!
Floresita sent me this way! duchick at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I'd love to win your book. Your stitches always intimidate me, but they also inspire me!

mumbird3 said...

The book looks awesome - I have always wanted to do a crazy quilt mumbird3atgmaildotcom

Suztats said...

This looks like a wonderful resource for any CQer or embroiderer. I'd love to win an e-copy! Thanks for the chance, Kathy.

Katie said...

Hi Kathy, Congratulations on your new book! My mom and I can't wait to take your online class in August.
Happy Stitching. Hugs Katie

FL said...

I'd love to win the book.

ckrut said...

I have never seen anything like your book. What beautiful stitches there are. I can think of so many possibilities for using these in all kinds of projects. ckrutjo at g mail dot com.

Debbie said...

Congratulations, Kathy on yet another book! I have your book Embellishing Crazy Quilts and love it. It'd be great to have the new one, too!

GreenSphereStudio said...

Hi Kathy, I've really enjoyed this book launch giveaway, as each site I visited showcased different aspects of your book that make it easy to see how wonderful and inspirational it will be to crafters and makers of all types.
Warmly, Marie

amfuller said...

Some great inspiration at these sites. My head is spinning about what I want to do next. Thanks also for a chance to win a copy of your new book. Looks yummy!

Ruthie's Place said...

Hello Kathy,
How are you? I absolutely love the look of your new book. I have tried all this past week to leave comments on each sight but have had no luck.
Maybe today will be my lucky day. Fingers crossed. Warm regards,
Ruthie Peterburg

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Congratulations on the new book. The designs look beautiful and intriguing.

Becky said...

I love embroidery!

mcwflint said...

Not sure if comment went thru. On road in mountains. I loved the tour. Added some new blogs to my must reads. I have the book but the copy would be gray on the road.

Sarah Aldrich said...

Kathy, I already own a couple of your books. I’d love to win this one. I can be reached at SarahsGiftNShip (at) gmail (dot) com

rosemaryschild said...

What a wonderful book! I love to hand embroider, and these ideas are amazing! Thank you, Susan

Wendy said...

Glad to learn about your site via Bonnie Hunter. The stitches in your book are just delicious, and I would love to win! Wendy Bain at

I love stitching said...

Have a fantastic day.

Cynthia said...

Kathy, this is a great giveaway. Thank you so much.

Cynthia Green

Cindy P. said...

Your stitch combinations are just amazing! Thank you for the chance to win a copy of your book!

LibraryLady4515 said...

What an awesome giveaway! I first saw this posted on another site and had to find yours so that I could read a little info about you.

Your stitches are amazing!

I have my grandmother's crazy quilt and have enjoyed trying to recreate some of her stitches.

Good luck to all!

CATHY said...

Je trouve votre travail superbe et me donne toujours envie d'avoir une aiguille entre mes doigts !!! Trop contente d'avance si je suis la gagnante...

THERESE said...

coucou Katy
je veux participer au tirage au sort pour ce livre marceilleux merci beaucou^p