Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Annemieke Mein

Thanks to MaryAnne Richardson for talking to me about "favorite books". I had several and she had one...so of course, I had to own it too since she gave it such a glowing recommendation.

It is one of those books that inspire you to just get up and create! I'm not a huge machine person...so will never attempt even a trial of these designs. But I'm totally blown away at the creative vision of this artist.

I was also very interested in seeing this photo of the artist at work, because it gave me great insight to the scale of her work. So much larger than any crazy quilt motif, and yet so detailed the entire effort is very realistic. Here is the larger view of the completed piece under her needle in the above "artist portrait" example.

Thank you so much Mary Anne...I'll have a lot of enjoyment from reading this book!

Hugs...from one "enabler" to another! :)

1 comment:

Kathy Pitts said...

I have had this book for years and it and The Art & Embroidery Jane Hall - Reflections of Nature are my go to books when I just want to escape the hectic pace of my life. Just looking at the pictures calms me and always make me smile.