Saturday, November 11, 2017

Fancy Seam Designs - Seam #11

The Fancy Seam Designs Stitch-a-long  is a challenge to stitch all 500 seams within Crazy Quilting - Volume III: Fancy Seam Designs, by Kathy Seaman Shaw (available at

Today is Seam #11 (which is on Page 10, second seam on that page).

Hope you enjoy stitching this seam!

This seam includes some  Fargo Roses and Detached Chain leaves.

You can also see the seams stitched by others if you are a member of the Facebook Group, Modern Crazyquilt Seams here.


1 comment:

leonamm said...

Hi Kathy. This is just between you and me don't post. There is a typo. Seam 11 is the second seam on page 10 not the first.I only mean to be a small assistance to you as in my eyes you are the best! sending love, Leona