
Monday, October 12, 2015

Pattern: 12-inch CQ Block

Sometimes things work out...and sometimes they just don't. For me, every time I try to "be quick" and flip-n-sew a block together...I'm not happy with the results. I know what a balanced block should look like...and usually this fast method just does not produce that for me. This above block is a good example of that. It's an "adequate" block; and I did try to be careful in my fabric choices as I worked around the block. There are not "touching" pieces of the same fabric. But there is a disparity of thin longer patches and wide fat patches. There is also a lot of seams that follow the same horizontal lines.
The block is for the Batik Round Robin on CQI Facebook Group. It didn't take long a couple of hours total maybe. But, then thinking about it kept me up another hour last night...and I promise you that "I Do Need My Beauty Sleep."
I'm a person that likes design...and I like to plan...but I'm also pretty busy so limited in time. So, this morning I set down and designed a new block and created the pattern pieces for it. I'm much happier with this result and other than making the pattern in the first took me half the time to piece this second block that it did the first. Afterall, I had less decisions on "where to put what" because I had already thought about that when designing the pattern. I had "used up" some of the fabrics on the first block, but still found enough light batiks to make this a good canvas to work on. Hope the ladies enjoy stitching on it!
Thought you might like this here is the pattern: CQ-12inch-square-block
The file size is 40M so give it time to download the PDF it was created in Adobe Illustrator software with embedded images; and THEN saved as a pdf file.

Hugs to all!


  1. You do me a favor by posting the comparison of these two blocks. Mostly mine end up like your first attempt, except when I use what I learned in your class on Basic Crazy Quilting about drawing it out. I guess it always pays to plan ahead. So I try my best to do that. Sometimes I still end up with your first attempt. Why isn't this easy? I guess cause it's not called easy quilting.

  2. I'm definitely drawn to the second block. Someone is going to have fun stitching on it.

  3. coucou

    merci pour cette leçon très claire.

  4. Thanks for the pattern, Kathy. Being able to compare the two blocks is enlightening.. there is a lot to learn in CQ.

  5. Thanks, that is a nice pattern for a block. I like the first one, too, though. I'm a fan of the sort of log cabin look to blocks. I think an odd number of sides to the center piece makes it easier to have the second kind of block, but I have no problem with the first one, either. I guess I'm not picky enough. =)


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