Sunday, July 5, 2015

Newest Hexagon Finished

Here's my next block. The embellishment is complete, now to add the fabric backing...and it will go into the stack of finished blocks...just waiting to be stitched together into a throw for the bottom of the bed.
 Here are some close up photos for you.



DH said...

Oh, Kathy!! All of your hexagon blocks are turning out so beautiful! I love, love, love the pine cones on this block. I hope someday you will be able to share how you made them. I also love the cardinal and the lovely long-stemmed rosebuds and all your seams! Your throw is going to be a beautiful showcase of your artistic ability! Dawn H

Christine B said...

Beautiful block Kathy! I shall look forward to seeing your hexagons all stitched together :) x

Sandra said...

Absolutely gorgeous. I may have to steal that butterfly from you :)

Lesley UK said...

Absolutely beautiful.

Marly said...

Beautiful! I like the embroidered bird.

Unknown said...

Beautifully done. I love the bright cardinal the most. You continue to inspire me to keep stitching!

Anonymous said...

Your block is beautiful!!! I love the cardinal and the pine branch with pine cones.
Keep up the great work!!

Rebecca Finch said...

This is so inspiring--makes me want to get right to my Task #6 for BCQ-1(I am waiting for my thread to arrive, but will start practicing with stranded embroidery floss today). Thank you so much for the class and for all you do. Your work is beautiful.

Barbara said...

The pine needles and cones are exquisite! My favorite.

June said...
