Monday, June 1, 2015

HEX #1 Finish

 When I posted the #2 HEX, it reminded me that I had not shared the first HEX here on my blog.
 The flowers were done in metallic ribbon...from Vintage Vogue website. Janet has such lovely ribbons!
 These pansies were a gift, part of a wedge of doily that I removed the other part from. Added a wee little flower center with some black straight stitches.
 Some seam work...
And a tree in the center...and I'm all done! The trunk is Stem Stitch, the branches are Back Stitch, and the little wee twigs are done in small Straight Stitches with French Knots as buds. This pattern is part of the ICQC-103 Class Module.


Christine B said...

Hello Kathy! Both your hexagons are fabulous! Do you have plans to run ICQC 103 or 104.... would love to try some of those marvellous techniques! :) x

shirley said...

Your stitching is lovely makes me want to get back to some crazy patchwork.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful work Kathy!!!

Gina said...

Beautiful :) I especially love the tree!

Marianne S-M said...

Love the pansies and how you accented them! Fabulous tree!

Sandra said...

Absolutely gorgeous. Both of them.

That lady is awesome

Joan said...

Oh my, I am in love with this block! That metallic ribbon for your roses is great and sparkles so nicely.