
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

It's right around the corner...

Spring! I know it doesn't feel like it today...but look at what I found on the other side of Mom's house! 
These daffodils have their heads closed up tight...but they are about 8 inches tall...and will be open soon!


  1. Our area has the same type of thing happening. Radio is warning people to not plant yet as we will most likely have a cold snap again.

  2. Hi Kathy! We have some here (South East UK) that have already been open... lovely to think Spring it on its way and have you noticed the days are already getting quite a bit longer?! :) xx

  3. My mouth is hanging open...lucky you! We won't see spring flowers for another 8 to 10 weeks. I'll enjoy your's so post them all!

  4. Lucky you!! We are waiting, yet again, for record breaking below zero temps. My brain needs some sun!!
    xx, Carol

  5. Oh how I wish!!! It's a long way away here - too much snow for the wee flowers to push their way through.


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