
Monday, December 22, 2014

Happy Holiday Season to All!

Merry Christmas to everyone! Just jumping in for a quick hello...on my way out the door to spend a week with my daughter and lovely grand-daughter. See all of you when I return!

Monday, December 1, 2014

And the winner is....

Such a good week...and a very tiring one! Had a great visit with my grand-daughter who came and stayed for seven days. Did not accomplish a lot of stitching, but enjoyed her company so much! Thanksgiving was wonderful...loads of family...and food! Friday, was a day of recuperation from too much food!
Friday was also my birthday, and got to blow out a single candle when my grand-daughter brought me a piece of pie with a candle in the center, and a little piece of paper attached that said Happy Birthday. Thankfully, I got it done before the paper went up in flames!
And, this morning (a day late) I put everyone's name in the pot from the comments section and drew a name for the Elegant Stitches book. The winner is: Juli
I'll be contacting her for a mailing address to send the book. Thanks for all the lovely comments and birthday wishes!