
Monday, December 16, 2013

Monogram Mondays - Z

Today begins a new series on the blog...Monogram Mondays. Each week, (hopefully on Monday) I'll post a new monogram for you. The first series is already designed and will be cross-stitch capital letters with roses and baby's breath (or beads). 
The color chart and the symbol chart will be posted. Legends for both will also be included. These will all be photos and you should be able to left click and save the image to your computer. 
I recommend that you set up a folder just for Monogram Monday Shawkl so that you can put them where you can find them....just saying! 
Hope you enjoy this series.
As is my current practice...I'll be combining all of the monogram files into a pdf file that will be available on my Craftsy page...after the holidays (I'll work to get it done sooner, but no promises). Of course, I'll post here and let you know when the set of patterns is available that way. Or...just stay tuned and download each photo free as individual files over the next few months.


  1. This one looks like it will be so pretty - thank you for being so generous!

  2. oh I am so going to need more hard drive space with all the fun cross stitch things i keep finding. thank so much!


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