
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Stitching and Keeping Warm!

These past few days I've been really busy hand quilting on my Merry Merry Snowman quilt...and I still have a long way to go. Mom expects it to be on her bed this Sunday when the family gathers for Thanksgiving...and I hope I can get at least enough stitching done to hold it together for binding! More will just have to be added later on.
It has been quite a while since I've hand-quilted anything as large as this quilt..and I had forgotten how much I really enjoy this process. My wrists and fingers are complaining I'm taking some small breaks here and there so that my carpal tunnel doesn't rear it's ugly head...and I'm also planning my portion of the Thankgiving feast! So, maybe I'll remember to get you some photos of what happening in the kitchen this week...if I can stop long enough to get the camera! My mind is not what it used to be!


  1. from the little I can see this quilt looks very interesting. Have a wonderful thanksgiving with all those family members that are gathering, hope they help with the washing up or you will be at the sink all day maybe you have a dishwasher, the electrical kind but that will need a very loading with so many of you!!


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