
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Merry Merry Snowmen on the Bed...

Well, I managed to get the quilt partly quilted (just around the applique pieces) and the binding on so it's ready to go on Mother's bed for this Christmas holiday. Then, I'll remove all of that quilting and re-do because I managed to get a huge fold in the backing fabric...argghrrrr! It's just really hard to lay out a quilt properly on an ironing board!
But, for's done and I can concentrate on baking cakes today! We are celebrating Thanksgiving on Sunday because that's when all of the family will be here...but, wishing each of you a joyous turkey day today! Hugs,

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Stitching and Keeping Warm!

These past few days I've been really busy hand quilting on my Merry Merry Snowman quilt...and I still have a long way to go. Mom expects it to be on her bed this Sunday when the family gathers for Thanksgiving...and I hope I can get at least enough stitching done to hold it together for binding! More will just have to be added later on.
It has been quite a while since I've hand-quilted anything as large as this quilt..and I had forgotten how much I really enjoy this process. My wrists and fingers are complaining I'm taking some small breaks here and there so that my carpal tunnel doesn't rear it's ugly head...and I'm also planning my portion of the Thankgiving feast! So, maybe I'll remember to get you some photos of what happening in the kitchen this week...if I can stop long enough to get the camera! My mind is not what it used to be!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Susie W. of California...Gorgeous Tree Skirt

Susie started this tree skirt as her CQJP2012 project, and I'm so proud of her for finishing it...and it is GORGEOUS! You may have seen photos of it in Pat Winter's magazine...but I asked if I could share the photos that Susie sent to CQJP as her finish here too. If you missed her blocks, you can find them posted on the CQJP2012 blog.
In celebration of her pink skirt (to match her beautiful pink Christmas tree) she just had to have one of my pink spiders too. And although it is too large to work as a CQ will still find a special home on or under her christmas tree. Now, doesn't this spider just look so proud to be walking on this gorgous tree skirt!? I think so!!
Super great job Susie!!

Sunday, November 17, 2013


Val has the cutest little needle book on her website today. She designed it as the start of her four weeks of free patterns for Christmas. If you don't already follow Val's really should do that! She has some of the cutest ideas and designs.


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Round Robin - Winter Block

This is a simple little block...the center "PEACE" was already part of the pieced basic block. Here is the finished block. Sorry the photo is a little bit out of focus...
Here is the beginning...just plain single seam treatments.
Next came the addition of more stitching to make combination seams. Lastly was the addition of beads, ribbon, and buttons (see first photo). It's these "extras" that really make a block special to me. Do you agree? It's hard for me to stop at just stitching...

Fabric for Life!!

Want to win fabric...for life! If you live in the USA or can! Keepsake Quilting is having a contest...just go to their site and sign up.
Click Here to Get There Fast
Good luck...and if you win instead of me...I'd accept any gifts of thanks!

Encrusted Block - Pink Christmas Theme

This block just went in the mail this week, and it was fun to work on. I was the second person to stitch on the block, and this area is only my work. The print fabric was a challenge because the fabric pieces were so large and it does not lend itself very well to 'over-stitching' the design. So, I covered a lot of it with a lace motive and sequin snowflakes. This mades the print more of a wall-paper type the background, and not as prominent. The lace was beaded heavily since this is an encrusted round robin.
This seam also got loads of beads.
The silk ribbon flowers filled their patch quite well.
And this little pink and silver Christmas tree is situated outside in the pink snow drifts surrounded by more snowflakes falling from the sky.
Working on this block made me wish I had a pink Christmas tree up in the house this holiday.


Saturday, November 9, 2013

Christmas Strawberry Pincushions

I've been working on some wee little gifts this week...tiny little strawberry pincushions...done on white minkie fabric. So sweet and easy.

I used the pattern for the berry from Martha Stewart's tutorial...but not her felt top this time. Instead I frosted each one with white ribbon and white jade beads. The little roses are simple silk ribbon woven style with some glitter thread fly stitches and some silk ribbon leaves surrounding.

Each is stuffed first with crushed walnut shells and topped off with a bit of poly-fill to keep those shells from escaping.

 I stitched around the top and gathered, 

then chris-crossed some stitches across that spot before ending off the thread.


Fashion Show

Today, the blog post is by Aidan...who just turned 10 years old. It is a fashion show of just some of the wonderful outfits she got for her birthday...for her 18" doll. These creative ensembles were made by my friend Bea and mailed to Aidan. She was so excited to find that the box in the kitchen was for her...she didn't even wait to move it into the bedroom before opening it.
It was full of doll clothes, shoes, hats, and even a doll bed with mattress, quilt, and pillows.
Bea, you are just too much! Thank you so very much for making my darling Aidan smile for the past two days as she has dressed and re-dressed and re-dressed...etc...her doll.
(p.s. I love the little fur monkey you included in the dolls backpack)
Here's the fashion show!! 

And, these are not even half of the outfits!

(p.s. yes, I did not make my bed this morning...ha!)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Odds and Ends

It seems so strange to be working on things, and yet not have much to blog about. Recently, two blocks were created for friendship quilts...but I can't share the photos. I'm working on a gift swap for Christmas...again, can't share the photos. While at retreat last week, I also designed a monogram set, a couple of embroidery motifs, and did some other "behind the scenes" things for Stitchmap...but, can't share those either. But, I'm getting a lot done...honestly!
There is some progress on my Birdhous Village Quilt...two of the twenty-eight embroidery blocks are now complete...but a long way to go. There's so little time for "myself" projects these days.
I'm working on Alice's Encrusted CQ Block...and have a lot more stitching to do before it mailes out on the 15th of this month. I managed to add a little pink/silver tree to it while at retreat.
And some basic swirls for silk ribbon accents...
And a piece of lace trim all ready to be beaded.
There are also a couple of seams to be stitched. Some trims have been added, but mostly they are to save two seams that had begun to "unsew" themselves. One of my pet peeves is when seams are trimmed...always a mistake in my opinion. I can't count the number of "open" seams that I've had to cover or applique down in round robins I've participated in. Oh my soap box now...and back to work on my giftees for the exchange.
Once my little Christmas Giftees get completed I'll be back working on this CQ block.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Can You Spare a Moment?

My friend Bea has entered a small quilt into an online challenge...and I'd love for you to consider taking a moment and voting. I hope you like her quilt and choose it...but there are others there to view as well.

The link is:

And her quilt is titled "Ghostly Parade"
and you have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the site post to vote. 