Saturday, May 25, 2013

Woot! Woot! I accomplished it!

Finally, I figured out how to change this signature for posts! Now, all I have to do is get the size correct so it can be read! 
After searching and searching through the HTML Template was not there at all! It was just too I found the old code on my basic setup pages instead! Geez! 
Edited to Add: Yea! I'm still smarter than my laptop...barely! Hugs!


Sheila said...

It's perfect, I love it :)

Holee said...

You're good! When they changed I couldn't figure out how to make a new background or header so it is what it is...then I lost my music. There is a way to put the music back on...but I can't figure it out. If they change anything else I guess I won't have a header at all...geez, I've never been good with computers although I can run a table saw and nail gun just fine.

Unknown said...

I like your new signature Kathy.