
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

CQJP2013 - March Block Completed

My challenge to myself this year for the Crazy Quilt Journal Project is to create a large panel with many circles with crazy quilt seams only. The seams will document the designs in Embellishing Crazy Quilts, and provide me a way to showcase those seams...other than the long linear sampler I first stitched as the seams were designed. Some seams have additional beads, or changes to fit the space of the circle. Eventually, the project will be a shower curtain cover in my bath I'm front of the plastic liner so it won't get wet of course.
Here are the seams by number used in this block:
Seam #18
 Seam #21
Seam #25
Seam #35
Seam #55
Seam #69
Seam #114
Seam #137


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