Monday, July 25, 2011

Marvelous Monday Motifs...Interrupted

 Come back next Monday...and perhaps I'll have "my act together"! But, no promises! Seriously, I need to download some more page scans and re-size them for Monday Motifs..but no time!
Today I need to get these apples peeled, cored, mixed with sugar/spice, and into some canning jars.
And, I'm leaving in 15 minutes with my DSIL to go get Mom some ears of corn she "ordered" from a local farmer. So, corn will surely quickly follow the apples...if they don't jump out in front!
No time to stitch, no time to post, barely time to brush my teeth!
Hang in there BFF's; I'll be back!
And, I'm beading cabochons as fast as I can...with every spare minute since the Studio is low! Now, how in the world did I let all of this pack up on me! Life! Gotta love it! What I can't ever figure out however can someone "who doesn't have a life!"...have so much to do!???

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