Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months
This past week has been unusually nice weather for us here in east Alabama. It has been in the high 60's and low 70's; just like spring. But as I look out my window this morning and see frost on the mailbox, I know it is ending. Wish I could have enjoyed it more, but have been battling this sinus/coughing crud for almost two weeks now..hopefully it will be gone in a couple of days as I am starting to feel better.
The good side of being sick, is that I've been stitching! Here is a cute little Black Eyed Susan to warm your day!
Stitched totally in perle cotton (sz 8). The black French knot has four wraps to make it rather fat to sit on top. I did the zigzag base in white so it would not show up well against the background fabric, as I wanted the flowers to stand out. For the beaded version, I replaced the French knot with a large bead.
Stitching sequence is zigzag base, stem, leaves, lazy daisy, and then the French knot.